Nottawasaga Daylilies




Ordering & Shipping

Contact Us

On Display

What are Daylilies?

Garden Location


Contact Us at Nottawasaga Daylilies

Julie and Tom Wilson, Nottawasaga Daylilies
Garden Phone 705-466-2916
Mailing Address Nottawasaga Daylilies
P O Box 2018
Creemore, Ontario
L0M 1G0

How to Find Us

We can now be located on Google Maps or the Apple Maps app. Follow one of the links below, or go to the application and search for Nottawasage Daylillies.

Find us on Google Maps.

Find us on Apple Maps.

Our growing area is located near Creemore, Ontario. We will be open Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Mondays, July through Labour Day. 10:00 to 5:00 Visitors are welcome at other times by appointment from May through September.